A 4 week program for peri/menopausal women.

Hey it's Mel here!

I'm buried deep in getting this program launched.

So while you wait i've got some goodies for you.

Get more insights about my online program, plus some helpful teaser lessons while you wait. Helpful, tangible things you can start doing NOW before the program officially opens!

You'll be the first to know when the doors open and they'll be a cheeky discount if you join!

Keep reading to find out all the info you need to know if The Change School is for you.

Join the waitlist for
The Change School.

Plus get my 5 Pantry Meals in 5-10 minutes Ebook!

Get more insights about my online program, some helpful teaser lessons and be the first to know when doors open (plus a cheeky discount!)

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Understand what the heck is going on in there!

Perimenopause and menopause is a time of huge change internally. Your brain is changing, your metabolism is changing and our hormones are shifting and fluctuating. 

Understandibly all the change can come with some teething issues like  mood swings, anxiety, brain fog, fatigue, weight gain and hot flashes!

In the first week of The Change School I'll talk you through what's going on and we start to hone in on what is causing drama specifically for you.

Learn how to ease your symptoms and get back to feeling like the queen that you are!

It can be a minefield out there with all the conflcting information you can find online about perimenopause and menopause these days.

In The Change School, my number 1 job is to give you the clarity that you need. To understand EXACATLY what is going to take you towards your health goals and get unstuck from your symptioms.

Weight gain, hot flashes, insomia, mood swings, anxiety and depressions, heavy periods, digestive changes.. the list goes on and I've seen it all in my practice as a women's health nutritionist.

I have successfully helped 100s of women working with them 1:1 to overcome their symptoms so I know EXACTLY what needs to be done to move you forward.

4 x Weekly Video lessons

Each week you'll recieve a new lesson through the learning hub to show you how to use nutrition and lifestyle to combat your peri/menopause symptoms.


4 x Weekly Meal Plans

Each week you'll receive a new meal plan with recipes so you can work on implementing what you're learning whilst taking the stress out of doing it yourself for awhile.

4 x Weekly Workout Plans + Exercise Library

Each week you'll get a workout plan with SIMPLE workouts you can do anywhere in 30 minutes or less. The video library shows you how it's done.

Live calls and Facebok Community

You won't be left alone. You'll have my personal support and the support of the program members. You'll have so many opportunities to connect with me during the program.

Join The Change School Waitlist.

Find out exactly when doors open, get insights and lessons while yoiu wait, and recieve an exclusive 15% discount off the program investment when you join from the waitlist!